NTMT – Not thru My Town – 6′ x 3′ x 2″


NTMT – Not thru My Town (wood-cuts on acrylic paint) 6′ x 3′ x 2″ – $22 500

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NTMT – Not thru My Town

One hot night in July of 2003, a freight train carrying oil across Canada, from North Dakota to New Brunswick, derailed in the small town of Lac-Mégantic, Québec. The tanks exploded, vaporizing most of the forty seven people who were killed. It made headlines.

Then Canada, and the rest of the world… yawned. The disaster was, apparently, just the cost of maintaining our supply of cheap(ish) oil. There was talk of inspecting more tankers, of more rigorous training but, perhaps unsurprisingly, very little talk about the need for transporting volatile materials through Canadian towns and cities.

This piece was inspired by a photo I took at The Forks in Winnipeg. I gathered some friends and took a group shot. Afterwards I looked at the photo and realised that there was a long line of DOT-111 tanker cars on the elevated tracks that pass directly through Winnipeg’s downtown. OMF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We must protest as vociferously as we do when a pipeline snakes its way through our lands!!

Read more:

Wikipedia: The Lac-Mégantic Rail Disaster