“Recapitate Now! The Quarter (ft McClung/Riel)”


Recapitate Now! – The Quarter (ft McClung/Riel) (2018)

4′ x 4′ x 2″- collage and acrylic paint on wood panel

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Why do our coins still display a foreign monarch (a current representative of a repressive, not so distant, colonizer) who has contributed exactly NOTHING to our nation?

Let’s decapitate, then recapitate, our coins! There are many, many deserving CANADIANS who should be representing our country on our coins.

And why not have the head of Nellie McClung, the Canadian leader who fought for the right of voting for women? She achieved that right for Manitoba before most other jurisdictions in the world.

Then there’s Louis Riel, another leader from what is now known as Manitoba. He lead rebellions against the Canadian government and was eventually executed by that body. The spirit of resistance he embodied still resonates today and has ensured his part of our shared cultures was not subsumed by Canadian Eurowashing.

Hey, none of them are perfect but… damnit… they are CANADIAN!