“Untario” (2017) 6′ x 3′ x 2″


Untario (2017) – 6′ x 3′ x 2″- mixed media

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Since Ontario is not a province of the “United” Kingdom, its flag has been removed from its spot and shredded. The same was done of the rather redundant St George’s flag which is part of Ontario’s provincial seal. It’s time to get a flag that represents the people of the province and which does not glorify oppression.

This piece’s central component is an actual Ontario flag with halyard and toggle. It lists the many royal names that have been used to describe various parts of the province. Strips of paper proclaim various slogans from the artist. Also, tucked about, are segments of the letter to Ms. Windsor which can be found, intact, in the work “Munitoba”.

Untario (2017) – 6′ x 3′ x 2″- mixed media

Price includes taxes, insurance and shipping to all points in Canada and the continental U.S.

For all other areas, a shipping quote will be given upon request.